6 Free Ways to Boost Team Morale

Your bottom line is better than ever, but team morale is low. Your coworkers have lost their zeal and do the minimum required of them. The team isn’t communicating very well, and everyone’s on edge. Your mind jumps to spending money on a leadership training program, books about teamwork, a better project management system, or […]

5 Steps to Surviving Google's Next Update

Google’s latest algorithm rolls out in May, and it will affect your search rankings… unless you have a user-friendly website. Unsure about where to start? We promised you last week we’d share some ways to get your site ready for Google’s update, and we’re keeping our promise. What exactly will Google’s update measure? Google is […]

Your Foolproof Guide to Marketing in 2021

Remember that amazing marketing strategy you created for 2020 before the pandemic began? The one you threw out the window on March 13, 2020 when the world shut down? We do too. 2020 threw us all for a loop, and we learned to hold our plans (including our annual marketing strategies!) more loosely. We know […]

5 Ways to Maximize Your Work Day at Home

It’s 2:00 p.m. on a Thursday. You’re still in your pajama pants. You’ve barely touched the multiple to-do lists peppered across your desk. And you’re still frustrated about last night. A client contacted you after business hours about urgent changes to a project that “shouldn’t take long.” We know it can be hard to work […]

Top 5 Marketing Musts for 2021

The world around us is constantly changing and evolving, so  the way we market needs to change and evolve along with it. As marketing strives to remain relevant in a changing world, you can help your business thrive in 2021 by prioritizing these 5 Marketing Musts: Get Digital If the pandemic of 2020 has taught […]

5 Marketing Resume Tips To Get You In The Door

Interested in the marketing field? Great! We’re psyched for you, because we know how much fun it is to help companies present their passion to the world. But something might be standing in your way: the dreaded resume.  Ok, we’re being dramatic. Resumes can actually be a lot of fun to put together if you’re […]

The Secret to Consistent Content Creation

Why Repackaging Content will Save you Time and Money In the life of an online business-owner, content creation is king. It's the meat and potatoes of your business strategy. After all, with no content, you have nothing to market. Staying fresh and relevant in search engines and in your customers' minds is crucial to keeping your business […]

Start Here: The Beginner’s Guide to a Winning Marketing Strategy

Whether you're starting a business or looking to grow, your marketing strategy is half the battle. A 2019 study showed that marketers who had a documented strategy for their company were 313% more likely to see success. That's a number so big it may not even seem real — but it is, and your results […]

Dear Church: COVID Has Changed The Game

The recent pandemic has been a life-changer. Wearing masks and social distancing have become the new norm. But there's a silver lining to this dark cloud: we are becoming a more virtual society. Now, we know there are downsides to this fact, but the Church has already noticed some benefits. Social media has opened many […]

Your Marketing MVP: The Customer Journey

What is A Customer Journey, And Is It Worth My Time? We get it. You're busy running your company or ministry and only want to spend time on marketing efforts that make a difference. Well, we promise that creating a Customer Journey is worth the time and effort because you're going to see a boost […]