The recent pandemic has been a life-changer. Wearing masks and social distancing have become the new norm. But there's a silver lining to this dark cloud: we are becoming a more virtual society. Now, we know there are downsides to this fact, but the Church has already noticed some benefits. Social media has opened many digital doors, reaching not only local communities, but also the entire world with the Gospel. Many of these COVID-changes are here to stay, so, now is the time to invest in digital marketing to keep ahead of the curve.
Here are three starting points for better online outreach:
1. Invest in Your Website
Your website is often the first connection someone will have with your church, so it should look both professional and welcoming since most people, over 90%, look for community organizations via the internet. Good first impressions are invaluable and can affect the perception of your ministry. You want people to explore your website and discover how your church solves one of their problems. You should clearly communicate your church's mission, core beliefs, weekly activities, and a strong Call To Action that encourages them to contact you or visit this Sunday.
2. Renovate Your Facebook Page
3. Have a Strong Email Marketing Strategy
Having a strong email plan is very cost-effective. As an inexpensive alternative to physical mail-outs, you can use emails to follow up with recent visitors, encourage members to join a Bible study, and remind them of upcoming events. A weekly newsletter goes a long way in keeping everyone up-to-date and feeling included in the body of the church. Email marketing is also measurable in that you can see how many people open the emails and/or click the links inside. This data will show you the best times to send out information and help you gauge when it's time to spruce things up a bit.