6 Holidays Every Nonprofit Marketer Should Celebrate

Holidays are some of the most important considerations you can keep in mind when building your promotional calendar. We’ve covered in past blog posts here and here 15 key holidays that marketers should celebrate—but what about nonprofit marketers? After all, it doesn’t make much sense to promote a nonprofit on Black Friday or the Summer […]

4 Marketing Mistakes Nonprofits Make (and How to Fix Them!)

Asking for money makes most of us squirm in our seats. The opposite is also true: people asking for our money makes us uncomfortable, too. So we sympathize with your hesitancy to ask donors for money to fund your nonprofit organization. You’d rather tell stories about how the lives of people you serve have changed […]

The Copywriting Mistake You Didn’t Notice You Were Making

Let’s play a game of spot-the-difference:  “It’s perfectly normal to have strong feelings about punctuation,” said the Sigl copywriter. "It's perfectly normal to have strong feelings about punctuation," said the Sigl copywriter. See what makes those two sentences different? Congratulations! You might have what it takes to be a copyeditor.  If you think those two […]

Copywriting for Beginners: How to Write a Paragraph

When you think about a paragraph, what do you picture? Is it a long, unreadable block of text? Your high school English teacher teaching you where to put a thesis statement? Or maybe you’re so busy that you hardly have time to read anything longer than a tweet.  Love them or hate them, paragraphs are […]

8 More Holidays You Should Celebrate to Promote Your Business

When building your promotional calendar, you should consider which holidays are most relevant to your business. Holidays are a great tool for marketing because they’re predetermined events that almost everyone in your audience will recognize. Looking for a reason to hold a flash sale or promote a certain part of your business? Use a holiday. […]

Need Blog Post Inspiration? Try These 23 Ideas

Coming up with blog post ideas can be difficult and time-consuming. You have plenty of insider knowledge about your industry, and tips and tricks that your audience would value. But if you’re not a professional writer, you might have trouble putting those ideas into easily digestible blog posts.  Luckily for you, blogging doesn’t have to […]

Top 7 Holidays You Should Celebrate to Promote Your Business

Holidays are critical to most marketing strategies. When you’re building your promotional calendar, holidays are built-in events that you can count on every year. Holidays give you something relevant to include in your messaging, and they add a sense of urgency. When the holiday is over, your promotion will be too. The holidays you recognize […]

8 Ways to Make Your Blog Go the Extra Mile

Maintaining a blog for your business is no small task. You have to brainstorm, research, write, edit, and format your posts. If you plan on using photos, graphics, or GIFs to illustrate your posts, that takes even more time and effort. Your time is a precious resource. So how can you get the most out […]

SMS Marketing 101: 6 Essentials for Getting Started

A text message with good news can change your whole day for the better. Imagine it’s a Tuesday. You’re drowning with work, and you’re already thinking about all the errands you have to run this weekend. Checking your email is the last thing on your mind.  Then your phone buzzes. Your favorite stationery company is […]

Improve Your Workflow with These Desk Stretches

It’s 2:21 p.m. on a Wednesday afternoon, and your body’s feeling it. Your shoulders ache from slumping over your keyboard. Your neck is stiff, and your wrists are tired from typing. Your legs are numb from sitting with them crossed all morning — not to mention your lack of creativity, which is hitting its usual […]