5 Tips for a Killer Landing Page

In the world of digital marketing, landing pages are the unsung heroes that can significantly boost your conversion rates. These powerful tools are more than just simple web pages; they are the pulse of your marketing campaigns. A landing page is a page on your website intended for a specific sec tion of your audience, […]

5 Strategies for Increasing Your Store Traffic

Shopping in 2022 looks very different from how it did 20, 10, or even 5 years ago. Brick-and-mortar stores have to compete with online shopping, and customers are used to the convenience of shopping from home. Ecommerce, free shipping, and same-day delivery have revolutionized the way most people shop. Some people get everything they need […]

Is Having a Blog That Important? (Spoiler – It Is!)

It seems like everyone has a blog these days – businesses, nonprofits, that friend from college. You might feel like you have nothing new to say because the Internet is saturated with them. Others think blogging is dead or on its way out. Podcasts, YouTube, TikTok, and other forms of social media are competing for […]

5 Questions to Ask before Launching Your Website

You’ve put the finishing touches on the new website for your brand, and you’re ready to share your passion with the world!  You love the design: the sleek images, catchy copy, and animated scrolling.  We know it can be exciting to finally launch a killer website… but it’s important that everything from design to copy […]

Be Customer-Centered To Your Core With UX And UI Design

You’ve heard us preach it over and over — your customer is the hero of your story. So you’ve changed your writing up a bit. You’ve started more sentences with ”you” than “we”. You’ve tried to focus on the problems of your customer more than the qualifications of your company. And now you’re wondering what’s […]

Building Brand Trust through Design

Transparency = Trust In our age of information overload, we can look up anything we want in a split second. As consumers, this has made us more skeptical and diligent as we choose about which businesses to trust and follow.  In response, your business needs to create clear and honest strategies to market your brand […]

SEO Basics: How to Rank Higher in Search Results for FREE

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the amount of traffic your website receives through search engine results. It is a great tool to organically increase your rankings in search results – now who wouldn’t want to rank higher for FREE? Integrating keywords relevant to your website and its audiences is the most […]

Landing Page v. Website: Do you need one, the other, or both??

Do you need a website, a landing page, or both? What is the difference between the two, and which one is better? If you are a business owner or entrepreneur, you've probably already spent a lot of time and energy on your website, a must-have in today's increasingly internet-dominated economy…right? Websites Most websites include a […]

A Customer-Centered Website Will Grow Your Business

customer centered website - two computers with websites

I hope you're in an awesome mood…'cause I'm about to lay some truth on you. You ready? The truth is: no one really cares about your business. The same is true even if you run a charity organization or minister in a church. People don't really care how great your product or service is, how skilled the […]