5 Strategies for Increasing Your Store Traffic

Shopping in 2022 looks very different from how it did 20, 10, or even 5 years ago. Brick-and-mortar stores have to compete with online shopping, and customers are used to the convenience of shopping from home. Ecommerce, free shipping, and same-day delivery have revolutionized the way most people shop. Some people get everything they need […]
The Power of the P.S.

Whether you’ve written an email, letter, blog post, or landing page, most of your readers won’t read the whole thing—no matter how well you write. 99% of the time, your readers aren’t reading every single word on the page. Most of your readers skim it. After they scan the page for interesting information, they might […]
How to Write Promotional Emails That Make Bank

If you’re not promoting your business with email marketing, you could be missing out on huge profits. According to HubSpot’s latest research, you’ll generate $42 for every $1 you invest in email marketing. That’s a 4200% return on investment! But you can’t send out any old email and expect to make money. Successful email marketing […]
Increase Your Return on Marketing Integrity — Yes, You Read That Right!

ROMI — that’s the acronym for “Return on Marketing Investment.” There’s another type of ROMI that’s harder to measure but arguably more important. It’s your “Return on Marketing Integrity.” At Sigl Creative, marketing integrity is a top priority for us. We understand that integrity is more important than ever as public trust is rapidly declining […]
Copy or Design: The Secret to What Sells

Picture this. It’s Taco Tuesday — your favorite day of the week. You’re scrolling through your Instagram feed and come across an ad from the new taco place in town. The food looks delicious, but it’s the way they describe it that sends you over the edge. That pop of sauce, the hint of spice, […]
6 Free Ways to Boost Team Morale

Your bottom line is better than ever, but team morale is low. Your coworkers have lost their zeal and do the minimum required of them. The team isn’t communicating very well, and everyone’s on edge. Your mind jumps to spending money on a leadership training program, books about teamwork, a better project management system, or […]
How to Execute a Top-Notch Marketing Campaign on Time

Your brand new product or service is finally ready! You’ve worked hard to craft it and now it’s time to promote it. Maybe you even have a vague idea for how you’ll promote it. But the actions you need to take to do so are unclear to you. If the details of processes and strategies […]
Tips and Tricks to Avoid the Spam Folder

You’ve been anxiously waiting for a specific email. You keep refreshing your inbox, but it just isn’t showing up. After your umpteenth refresh, you check your spam folder. And there it is — the email you’ve been waiting for was in your spam folder the whole time. If you’ve ever discovered emails you actually wanted […]
4 Marketing Resolutions You Should Make in 2022

This meme made the rounds online in late September. If you’re like our team, some days you still feel like you’re processing 2020, especially when it comes to digital marketing. The digital world is constantly changing, and the pandemic accelerated its evolution. But 2022 isn’t waiting for us — the new year begins this Saturday! […]
How to Protect Your Team from Holiday Burnout

Let’s start by stating the obvious: digital marketing efforts ramp up during the holiday season. Maybe your creative juices for marketing are already zapped. But you have catchy copy to write for Christmas promotions. You’re unsure how to make your holiday deals stand out from the rest. You haven’t even thought about a marketing strategy […]