6 Can't-Miss Additions to Your Landing Page

So you’ve created a landing page with a compelling offer, lots of CTA buttons, bold design choices, and video. You’re almost ready to hit “publish,” but wait! Is your landing page missing something?  Maybe you’ve followed our best practices for creating a killer landing page, but you want a little extra oomph to take yours […]

5 Tips for a Killer Landing Page

In the world of digital marketing, landing pages are the unsung heroes that can significantly boost your conversion rates. These powerful tools are more than just simple web pages; they are the pulse of your marketing campaigns. A landing page is a page on your website intended for a specific sec tion of your audience, […]

Copywriting for Beginners: All About Capitalization

This is a sentence.  This Is Also a Sentence, But It Probably Sounds a Little Different in Your Head.  THIS SENTENCE IS EVEN MORE DIFFERENT (AND PROBABLY LOUDER).  and this sentence probably sounds like an instant message from your teenager.   What makes these sentences all “sound” different from one another? Why do we read them […]

Copywriting for Beginners: Let’s Write a Sentence

Email copy, website copy, tweets, blog posts, Instagram captions, Facebook ads, press releases, event invitations, podcast scripts, video scripts. What do all these things have in common? They’re all elements of a robust marketing strategy. They’re all made of sentences. Writing sentences is integral to marketing. If you plan on doing any copywriting, you must […]

How to Use the Hero’s Journey to Create an Irresistible Offer

Did you know you’re a storyteller?  It doesn’t matter if you majored in literature or if you can’t remember the last novel you read cover-to-cover.  If you’re in marketing, you’re a storyteller.  We all view the world through the lens of stories. Your job as a marketer is to tell your potential customers a story […]

How to Write a Press Release in 5 Simple Steps

When your business experiences big and exciting changes, you want to tell the world. Maybe you’re expanding to a new area, your company won an award, or you added an exciting,well-known hire to your team.  Whatever newsworthy event you’re celebrating, you want to share it—and the best way to do that is through a press […]

6 Holidays Every Nonprofit Marketer Should Celebrate

Holidays are some of the most important considerations you can keep in mind when building your promotional calendar. We’ve covered in past blog posts here and here 15 key holidays that marketers should celebrate—but what about nonprofit marketers? After all, it doesn’t make much sense to promote a nonprofit on Black Friday or the Summer […]

The Copywriting Mistake You Didn’t Notice You Were Making

Let’s play a game of spot-the-difference:  “It’s perfectly normal to have strong feelings about punctuation,” said the Sigl copywriter. "It's perfectly normal to have strong feelings about punctuation," said the Sigl copywriter. See what makes those two sentences different? Congratulations! You might have what it takes to be a copyeditor.  If you think those two […]

Copywriting for Beginners: How to Write a Paragraph

When you think about a paragraph, what do you picture? Is it a long, unreadable block of text? Your high school English teacher teaching you where to put a thesis statement? Or maybe you’re so busy that you hardly have time to read anything longer than a tweet.  Love them or hate them, paragraphs are […]

What Does Your Blog Have In Common With the Smithsonian?

Content creation for digital marketing can take a long time. As a content creator, you have the difficult task of writing, editing, designing, and distributing interesting and relevant content to your audience on a regular basis. That’s a pretty tall order, especially if you’re a one-man (or woman) marketing department. We’re going to let you […]