Is AI the Future of Copywriting?

What could be more “human” than the written word? People have been using words to communicate and preserve ideas for millennia. Storytelling is part of who we are as a species. There’s no way a machine could ever replicate humanity’s skill with written language. Right? AI-generated language has made huge strides in the last decade. […]
8 Ways to Make Your Blog Go the Extra Mile

Maintaining a blog for your business is no small task. You have to brainstorm, research, write, edit, and format your posts. If you plan on using photos, graphics, or GIFs to illustrate your posts, that takes even more time and effort. Your time is a precious resource. So how can you get the most out […]
Copywriting for Beginners: A Marketer’s Guide to Punctuation

When writing copy for your website, do you spend way too much time wondering if it’s appropriate to use an exclamation point? Know the difference between a hyphen, en dash, and em dash—and when to use them? Do you ever mix up your single and double quotation marks? We get it. You probably didn’t get […]
Is Having a Blog That Important? (Spoiler – It Is!)

It seems like everyone has a blog these days – businesses, nonprofits, that friend from college. You might feel like you have nothing new to say because the Internet is saturated with them. Others think blogging is dead or on its way out. Podcasts, YouTube, TikTok, and other forms of social media are competing for […]
Copy or Design: The Secret to What Sells

Picture this. It’s Taco Tuesday — your favorite day of the week. You’re scrolling through your Instagram feed and come across an ad from the new taco place in town. The food looks delicious, but it’s the way they describe it that sends you over the edge. That pop of sauce, the hint of spice, […]
Find Your (Brand) Voice in 5 Steps

Let’s play a quick guessing game. Do you immediately recognize the brand that goes in the blank when you read this statement? “Get _____. You can save money and be better protected from mayhem — like me.” That’s right: it’s Allstate. We all know and love Mayhem, the personification of those home or auto accidents […]
Your On-Ramp Guide To Digital Marketing

A Google search for digital marketing strategies can be overwhelming: “You should be posting on social media every single day.” “Email. Email. Email!” “You should be live-streaming and posting Stories.” “You should be interacting with your followers daily.” “Did we mention EMAIL?” The “should’s” for digital marketing seem too demanding before you even get started. Plus, […]
3 More Essentials for a Marketing Presentation that Sells

Last week we shared 3 essentials for a marketing presentation that sells. Need a refresher? Here they are: #1 Ask your audience to believe one thing. #2 State and agitate the problem. #3 Tell your audience how your solution will change their future — for the better. We were just getting started. Make sure you […]
3 Essentials for A Marketing Presentation That Sells

You’ve sat through boring sales presentations: they present a lot of interesting data points but don’t convince you to invest. Maybe you didn’t catch all of the presentation because you were trying to read too many words on too many slides. The offer was confusing, and the main idea was fuzzy. You walked away unsure […]
3 Content Ideas to Jumpstart Your YouTube Marketing

According to RevLocal, YouTube videos now reach “more people than any cable TV network in the US.” YouTube is also one of the largest search engines on the Internet — second only to Google. In an article republished by Forbes, The Product Company CEO Josh Fechter said, “The key for marketers in succeeding on YouTube, […]