6 Free Ways to Boost Team Morale

Your bottom line is better than ever, but team morale is low. Your coworkers have lost their zeal and do the minimum required of them. The team isn’t communicating very well, and everyone’s on edge. Your mind jumps to spending money on a leadership training program, books about teamwork, a better project management system, or […]
5 Essentials for Your Influencer Marketing Campaign

Last week we explained what influencer marketing is — read last week’s blog post here if you missed it! We also shared some things to consider when looking for the right online influencer to market your product or service. Maybe you have some potential influencers in mind now. Before you reach out to someone, it’s […]
The New Influencers: Not Your Mama's Influencer Market

If you’re a Millennial, you (or your mom!) probably remember the rise in popularity of Air Jordans, the famous basketball shoes produced by Nike exclusively for basketball legend Michael Jordan in 1984 and then released to the public in 1985. When your mom thinks about “influencer marketing,” she probably has in mind a partnership — […]
How to Execute a Top-Notch Marketing Campaign on Time

Your brand new product or service is finally ready! You’ve worked hard to craft it and now it’s time to promote it. Maybe you even have a vague idea for how you’ll promote it. But the actions you need to take to do so are unclear to you. If the details of processes and strategies […]
Tips and Tricks to Avoid the Spam Folder

You’ve been anxiously waiting for a specific email. You keep refreshing your inbox, but it just isn’t showing up. After your umpteenth refresh, you check your spam folder. And there it is — the email you’ve been waiting for was in your spam folder the whole time. If you’ve ever discovered emails you actually wanted […]
Find Your (Brand) Voice in 5 Steps

Let’s play a quick guessing game. Do you immediately recognize the brand that goes in the blank when you read this statement? “Get _____. You can save money and be better protected from mayhem — like me.” That’s right: it’s Allstate. We all know and love Mayhem, the personification of those home or auto accidents […]
Your On-Ramp Guide To Digital Marketing

A Google search for digital marketing strategies can be overwhelming: “You should be posting on social media every single day.” “Email. Email. Email!” “You should be live-streaming and posting Stories.” “You should be interacting with your followers daily.” “Did we mention EMAIL?” The “should’s” for digital marketing seem too demanding before you even get started. Plus, […]
4 Marketing Resolutions You Should Make in 2022

This meme made the rounds online in late September. If you’re like our team, some days you still feel like you’re processing 2020, especially when it comes to digital marketing. The digital world is constantly changing, and the pandemic accelerated its evolution. But 2022 isn’t waiting for us — the new year begins this Saturday! […]
3 More Essentials for a Marketing Presentation that Sells

Last week we shared 3 essentials for a marketing presentation that sells. Need a refresher? Here they are: #1 Ask your audience to believe one thing. #2 State and agitate the problem. #3 Tell your audience how your solution will change their future — for the better. We were just getting started. Make sure you […]
3 Essentials for A Marketing Presentation That Sells

You’ve sat through boring sales presentations: they present a lot of interesting data points but don’t convince you to invest. Maybe you didn’t catch all of the presentation because you were trying to read too many words on too many slides. The offer was confusing, and the main idea was fuzzy. You walked away unsure […]