3 Video Marketing Tricks to Treat Your Customers

3 video marketing tricks - man filming on video camera

50% of your customers WANT more videos from you! TREAT your customers to better videos using these 3 TRICKS: 1. Put the most energy into the first 8 seconds. You only have 8 seconds to capture your viewer’s attention before they keep scrolling. Use those first few seconds to stand out by saying something funny, […]

What is the Rule of 7?

person using tablet and checking email on computer

The Rule of 7: A prospect won’t make a purchase until they see your business 7 times. You can reach that magical number by using… Social Media Over 1/3 of customers find products on social media, so you can reach them easily on a platform they’re already using. Boosted Posts & Paid Advertising These tools […]

Facebook Ads are UNDER-rated

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68% of Americans use Facebook. 25% of us are on Facebook right now. But 79% of businesses are missing out on this advertising opportunity. Facebook should be one of your TOP ad platforms, and here’s why: Detailed Targeting Don’t waste money broadcasting your business to those who don’t need it. With Facebook, you can target […]

3 Ways to Boost Customer Engagement on Social Media

Looking at Instagram Insights on Phone

Here's the 3 Tips: Proper Hashtags Every post should include a slogan hashtag and 2-10 others that are relevant to your company in general. #tellyourstory #digitalmarketing #marketingtips #neworleansbusiness Post at the Right Time You should post during peak traffic time, right? WRONG. Post 1-2 hours before the busiest time to catch the wave of the […]

Why Your Business NEEDS Videos

Why Videos Work: Videos Catch The Eye Your customers are scrolling… scrolling… scrolling… until their eye catches a video. In a sea of still photos, videos capture your customers’ attention so that they linger and learn more about your brand. Videos Save Brain Power Thinking costs mental energy, and your customers are tired. They don’t […]

When Your Business Outgrows Your Brand: LETSDEVELOP.TV is now Sigl Creative

sigl creative logo

We’ve loved the past 7 years as LETSDEVELOP.TV, but our business has radically expanded beyond our original focus on web video production. Now that our team includes graphic designers, copywriters, web designers, social media strategists, AND videographers, it’s time for our brand to reflect our business once again.  As Sigl Creative, we pay homage to […]

Worried About Wasting Your Marketing Dollars?

man on tablet analytical data

The easiest way to waste marketing money is to be confusing. Here’s the quick solution: Stop spending money on marketing efforts that lack a clear message. Every time you post or send an email, the copy should do two things: 1) communicate your unique message to your customer, and 2) tell them what action you […]

Why You Need a Lead Magnet

people on laptops and writing on paper

In a sea of ever-changing algorithms and scrolling newsfeeds, how do you capture real, meaningful attention? You have a few options. Whether its social media marketing, email campaigns, or bolstering your SEO capabilities, there are certain tricks of the trade that will boost your overall marketing ROI and get long-term results. While you can try […]

Email equals revenue.

laptop with email open

Have you ever been frustrated by the amount of work required to market your business in the digital world? Sometimes digital marketing can feel like a can of worms you wish you hadn’t opened. There is a lot of depth in the online world because literally everything is connected. It can be totally overwhelming to […]

Generate More Sales with Marketing Funnels

increased sales - marketing funnels

Have you ever been browsing online when a great deal really catches your eye? “Take 25% off your first order!” in exchange for just your email address. Type in your email and BAM – you have just entered a marketing funnel! Although it seems like a really simple system, marketing funnels take a lot of […]