You can’t go wrong following these 4 guidelines:

Use gifs to grab attention.

With the influx of promotional emails during the holidays, your emails MUST pop or they’ll get drowned out. Even a simple flashing gif catches the eye substantially more than a still image. Just be sure to keep the file size small so it loads right away!

Build the hype.

Create a buzz of excitement and anticipation about your holiday sales in a pre-launch campaign. You want your customers on the edge of their seats waiting to spend their money once the deals drop!

Coordinate with your promotional ads and landing pages.

Your emails, ads, and landing pages should all carry the same aesthetic. This is not the time for mixed messages – stick to one promotional holiday theme across all platforms. 

Include links to popular products.

The holidays put people in a shopping mood! Show off some of your most popular products in your emails to build up those seven interactions customers need before they’ll commit to making a purchase.

Need some help getting started?

If you have questions or want to hear how Sigl Creative can organize your next holiday marketing campaign, contact us for a digital marketing and advertising consultation.