Google Ads 101

Google is the most popular search engine, period. Google has become part of our vernacular – when in doubt, just Google it! What you may not realize is that Google is also a huge advertising platform! Google Ads is a complete platform made specifically for companies to create, maintain, and evaluate the performance of their […]

Landing Page v. Website: Do you need one, the other, or both??

Do you need a website, a landing page, or both? What is the difference between the two, and which one is better? If you are a business owner or entrepreneur, you've probably already spent a lot of time and energy on your website, a must-have in today's increasingly internet-dominated economy…right? Websites Most websites include a […]

Online Sales Reach 1Billion on Black Friday WOW!

On Black Friday (November 23), myriad holiday shoppers avoided the crowds at brick-and-mortar stores in favor of their Web browsers. Some 57.3 million Americans visited online retail sites on Black Friday, up 18% from the same day in 2011, according to data from comScore. Online sales reached $1.042 billion on Black Friday, up 26% from […]