What's The Point Of Posting On Social Media?

People spend hours on their smartphones and computers scrolling through social media to catch up with friends, keep up with their favorite brands, read the news, and learn about what's happening in their communities. Creating social media profiles for your church allows you to connect and communicate with your congregation on a platform that they're already using all the time. You can share important content, answer questions, start conversations, and find out more about what's meaningful to your audience. In addition, you can post helpful information to attract visitors like your location, your phone number, service times, and how people can get in touch with you.

What Should You Post About?

Do you have weekly Bible studies? Upcoming events? Children's activities? All of these are worth posting about! People need multiple reminders about your church schedule, especially in today's busy world, and social media can help you get these reminders out to people who need them the most.

You can use your social media account to not only connect with your congregation but to attract new members. Try posting about things that will help spark an interest in your church, whether that's through relevant Scripture, sermon quotes, or community aid events. Think about the type of content that speaks to your audience the most. 

This is also a great place to post inspirational messages or anything that you want your followers to remember throughout the week. You can post inspirational Bible verses to help people in their daily lives, or even post pictures about things you're doing in your community. If members of your church volunteer in the community, you'll want to share that on social media so that your followers know you care about their needs or can find ways to get involved in the next outreach efforts.

How Often Should You Post?

If you're convinced that it's time to use social media, the next question is how often to post. If you're a small or medium-sized church using social media simply to keep in touch with your congregation, it's not necessary to post every day. Instead, aim to post two to three times per week. If you're a larger church, you probably have more activities to promote and should post more often. It all depends on how much content you have, the message you're trying to get across, and how many people you have on hand to post and answer messages.

Sticking to a weekly posting schedule is important because your consistency makes an impact on your audience. When people see that you are active on social media, it can help you seem trustworthy, communicative, and  Plus, social media can be easily neglected if you don't have an actionable plan. Start by thinking of what content you can post and when your audience is most likely browsing social media to ensure they see your message. 

What's a good example of a weekly posting schedule?

To get a good idea of what you may want to post on social media, here's an example schedule you can follow:

  • Monday – Post a quick recap or brief highlights from yesterday's sermon.
  • Wednesday – Promote your weekly Bible study and remind people to attend.
  • Friday – Post an inspirational Bible verse or challenge your congregation members to invite someone to church on Sunday.

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