50% of your customers WANT more videos from you!
TREAT your customers to better videos using these 3 TRICKS:
1. Put the most energy into the first 8 seconds.
You only have 8 seconds to capture your viewer’s attention before they keep scrolling. Use those first few seconds to stand out by saying something funny, piquing their curiosity, or jumping straight to the problem your company solves.
2. Focus on stories, not sales.
Stories pull at our heartstrings and stay in our memory. Your viewer won’t remember the killer price you’re offering, but they WILL remember how your product or service impacted someone’s life.
3. Create a no-risk call to action.
On a video, the call to action is NOT to buy your product – that’s too far of a jump. Instead, tell your viewers to visit your website, subscribe to your newsletter, or like your Facebook page. These small micro-commitments will eventually snowball into a sale!
Tagged Storytelling