You may have seen Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake's hilarious sketch earlier this year – they had a real time conversation using "hashtags."

While they sound ridiculous in real life, they can be a powerful force for your business. Are you using them effectively?

Social media presence is crucial to you business, and hashtags are crucial to extending the reach of your social media.  You can hashtag nearly anything – the point is to tag your tweet or Facebook post to be associated with other tweets or posts. A "#" sends out the message to others social media users that you are talking about something that they may be interested in.

What is it about your business that pulls customers in? What is the most interesting aspect of the service you offer? That hook is how you catch new customers, and hashtags put the point squarely before the social media sphere.

One of our favorite things to do at LETSDEVELOP.TV is to manage social media for our clients. We use hashtags to create buzz, start a conversation and even create a virtual community of people interested in what you're talking about. We want to help you cast a wider net and get the word out about your business. Why don't you let us help you with your #hashtags?

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