May Your Website be Ready for Whatever Device Your Customer Uses
In today’s world, companies don’t have to do stage testing to get feedback on their products and services – the world is their testing ground and the feedback comes streaming in daily. The two-way mirrors and focus groups of the past are the Facebook feeds of today. People stop in, check in, snap a pic, and post reviews from their mobile devices all day long. This fact seems obvious – yet, there is a significant lag between the public’s shift toward mobile internet usage and the readiness of companies’ content for those mobile devices.
Why such a lag? Certainly not for lack of evidence. We already know that the average adult interacts more with a mobile phone more than almost anything else in their lives, spending an average of 141 minutes per day on a mobile device.* Google found that more than 60% of mobile visitors will leave a site and not return if it is not optimized for their devices. People are multitasking as well, frequently using their smart phones, tablets, laptops, and TVs simultaneously. At the most basic economic level, business is lost by denying customers a good experience. In this case, a poor mobile website experience correlates with loss of business. A mobile-optimized website has become a basic asset for business. There is a divide between those businesses who have kept up with the transition to mobile and those who have not.
But being “responsive” is not just the price to stay afloat – it also opens the door to new opportunities! Businesses that go mobile are able to not only have more presence with their customers, they are able to personalize that presence, facilitating a more human relationship. Being responsive creates a mobile-specific experience of interaction between you and your customer. Capture real moments of connection by inviting your customers to add you to their story on Instagram. Transform your marketing by providing incentives for virtual interaction and “recommendations” to friends. You already have the great reason for interaction – the excellence of your product or service. You merely need to facilitate the connection of that great reason with your customer. Your newest customer is probably out there using their smartphone right now – you must have a mobile-friendly site when they come looking for you!
Now you’re asking yourself, “What would it take to make our media work across various screens?” Well – good news! You don’t need one website for desktops, and another for iPads and tablets, and a third for smart phones – we create responsive website themes that automatically adapt to the user's device. The same creative look and content that delivers your message can function everywhere! Let us take your assets and make them into something that is not merely acceptable, but impressive on your customers’ many screens!
So does YOUR story fit every outlet? If not, contact us!
*Advertising Age, Mobile Fact Pack