Marketing in a COVID World

The worldwide pandemic certainly ushered in the new year in with a bang. Many companies and non profits alike found themselves struggling to stay afloat under forced lockdowns, while others have thrived as communication and commerce went digital. Wherever you fall in between, your company or nonprofit has no choice but to adjust to the challenges […]

Generate More Sales with Marketing Funnels

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Have you ever been browsing online when a great deal really catches your eye? “Take 25% off your first order!” in exchange for just your email address. Type in your email and BAM – you have just entered a marketing funnel! Although it seems like a really simple system, marketing funnels take a lot of […]

7 Marketing Metrics You Need to Track!

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When it comes to marketing metrics, there's always something new to track and some new information that you need to check up on. Deciding which marketing metrics are critical for your business may take more effort than you ever expected! By knowing which marketing metrics are most critical for your business, you can substantially increase […]

Tips to Build Your Brand

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77% of marketers say that branding is critical to future growth. How you brand yourself will shape the way consumers view you and define your company’s place in the industry. It's crucial to set aside some time to create a solid branding strategy, so you can get ahead of the competition and increase customer awareness […]

Marketing Basics to Jumpstart Your Small Business

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It can be hard to pin down an exact definition of marketing, but people generally think of it as the promotional aspect of their business. In reality, marketing is much more than just a promotional technique or strategy – it is a link between you and your customers! Marketing is the blend of sales and […]

The Pros & Cons of Automating Your Marketing

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For many small businesses, managing and implementing successful marketing strategies can be an overwhelming process that quickly eats up all of your time. Fortunately, marketing automation can help you to streamline your marketing processes and boost the overall success of your marketing strategies. It’s likely that you have been hearing a lot of hype surrounding […]

Google Ads 101

Google is the most popular search engine, period. Google has become part of our vernacular – when in doubt, just Google it! What you may not realize is that Google is also a huge advertising platform! Google Ads is a complete platform made specifically for companies to create, maintain, and evaluate the performance of their […]

What Internal Problem Do You Solve for Your Customers?

External vs. Internal Problems Do you ever feel like your marketing copy just isn't connecting with your target audience? When you provide an awesome product or service, you'd think that just explaining the benefits would convince new customers to jump on board. But, as you may have figured out, it's not! Most products and services […]