Why You Need a Lead Magnet

people on laptops and writing on paper

In a sea of ever-changing algorithms and scrolling newsfeeds, how do you capture real, meaningful attention? You have a few options. Whether its social media marketing, email campaigns, or bolstering your SEO capabilities, there are certain tricks of the trade that will boost your overall marketing ROI and get long-term results. While you can try […]

Email equals revenue.

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Have you ever been frustrated by the amount of work required to market your business in the digital world? Sometimes digital marketing can feel like a can of worms you wish you hadn’t opened. There is a lot of depth in the online world because literally everything is connected. It can be totally overwhelming to […]

4 Ways Your Business Can Benefit from Branding

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With competition higher than ever, it's important for your businesses to stand out from the competition! Branding is a marketing strategy that can help your businesses do just that! Some popular examples of brands you recognize are the McDonald's arches, the infamous Nike Swoosh, and the Nike slogan "Just Do It.” You may not know […]

7 Marketing Metrics You Need to Track!

marketing metrics need to track - phone metrics

When it comes to marketing metrics, there's always something new to track and some new information that you need to check up on. Deciding which marketing metrics are critical for your business may take more effort than you ever expected! By knowing which marketing metrics are most critical for your business, you can substantially increase […]

Tips to Build Your Brand

tips to build brand - writing in book

77% of marketers say that branding is critical to future growth. How you brand yourself will shape the way consumers view you and define your company’s place in the industry. It's crucial to set aside some time to create a solid branding strategy, so you can get ahead of the competition and increase customer awareness […]

Marketing Basics to Jumpstart Your Small Business

marketing basics - creating marketing funnel

It can be hard to pin down an exact definition of marketing, but people generally think of it as the promotional aspect of their business. In reality, marketing is much more than just a promotional technique or strategy – it is a link between you and your customers! Marketing is the blend of sales and […]

The Pros & Cons of Automating Your Marketing

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For many small businesses, managing and implementing successful marketing strategies can be an overwhelming process that quickly eats up all of your time. Fortunately, marketing automation can help you to streamline your marketing processes and boost the overall success of your marketing strategies. It’s likely that you have been hearing a lot of hype surrounding […]

Google Ads 101: Evaluating Performance

You’ve made it through the set-up process and launched your Google Ads – congrats! Once your ads have been running for a few weeks (I recommend waiting 3-4 weeks), it’s time to do a check-up. When you log into Google Ads, you’ll see charts and graphs and lots of numbers – whoa. So how do […]

Google Ads 101

Google is the most popular search engine, period. Google has become part of our vernacular – when in doubt, just Google it! What you may not realize is that Google is also a huge advertising platform! Google Ads is a complete platform made specifically for companies to create, maintain, and evaluate the performance of their […]

Landing Page v. Website: Do you need one, the other, or both??

Do you need a website, a landing page, or both? What is the difference between the two, and which one is better? If you are a business owner or entrepreneur, you've probably already spent a lot of time and energy on your website, a must-have in today's increasingly internet-dominated economy…right? Websites Most websites include a […]