Marketing Basics to Jumpstart Your Small Business

marketing basics - creating marketing funnel

It can be hard to pin down an exact definition of marketing, but people generally think of it as the promotional aspect of their business. In reality, marketing is much more than just a promotional technique or strategy – it is a link between you and your customers! Marketing is the blend of sales and […]

The Pros & Cons of Automating Your Marketing

marketing automation - planning on whiteboard

For many small businesses, managing and implementing successful marketing strategies can be an overwhelming process that quickly eats up all of your time. Fortunately, marketing automation can help you to streamline your marketing processes and boost the overall success of your marketing strategies. It’s likely that you have been hearing a lot of hype surrounding […]

SEO Basics: How to Rank Higher in Search Results for FREE

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the amount of traffic your website receives through search engine results. It is a great tool to organically increase your rankings in search results – now who wouldn’t want to rank higher for FREE? Integrating keywords relevant to your website and its audiences is the most […]

Google Ads 101: Evaluating Performance

You’ve made it through the set-up process and launched your Google Ads – congrats! Once your ads have been running for a few weeks (I recommend waiting 3-4 weeks), it’s time to do a check-up. When you log into Google Ads, you’ll see charts and graphs and lots of numbers – whoa. So how do […]

Google Ads 101: Mobile Optimization

More and more people are relying on mobile devices for everyday internet access – over 50% of website traffic is on mobile devices! A majority of Google searches are now on mobile phones and tablets, too. With a growing number of people opting for mobile viewing over desktop, optimizing your websites and advertising for mobile […]

Google Ads 101: Ad Extensions

Ad Extensions are just what they sound like – extensions to your Google ad. They may include additional information, calls-to-action, phone numbers, location information, or extra links that show up along with the copy you’ve written in your ad. Ad Extensions are a great way to make your Google Ad stand out in the crowd […]

Video: Your "Must Have" for Next Level Marketing

Human communication – it’s 10% what you say, and 90% how you say it. When you think about it from this perspective, it makes 100% sense that web video is the essential tool for businesses to connect with potential customers. There are loads of statistics to back it up: – Forbes revealed that when given […]

Google Ads 101: Keywords for Success

You’ve decided that Google Ads is a good option for advertising your business, and learned how to launch your first ad campaign. Way to go! Now it’s time to fine-tune your ads and ensure that they actually appear to the right audience when you want them to. Google determines how your ads show up through […]

Google Ads 101: Launching Your First Ad!

Welcome back to the Google Ads 101 series! Today is a big step for your business because you will learn how to launch your first Google Ad in 10 simple steps! If you just created your Google Ads account, they offer to take you through a guided setup that will cover the basic strategies and […]

Google Ads 101

Google is the most popular search engine, period. Google has become part of our vernacular – when in doubt, just Google it! What you may not realize is that Google is also a huge advertising platform! Google Ads is a complete platform made specifically for companies to create, maintain, and evaluate the performance of their […]