Screenhot of a tweet from Donald Miller (@donaldmiller on Twitter) that says "It never hurts to be known as the generous brand. Don't be stingy with your content. #StoryBrand"

It’s no secret that we at Sigl Creative love Donald Miller and his book, Building a StoryBrand. We talk a lot about the importance of storytelling in your marketing materials, making your customer the hero of your communications, and positioning your brand as the helpful guide.

One of Donald Miller’s other major teachings that we love is the benefit of being generous as a brand.

Generosity pays off in the long run, strengthening your brand reputation and your relationship with your customers. In honor of the season of giving, we’re going to look at 4 steps you can take to be a more generous brand—ways you can build trust with your audience and grow your business.

Be generous with your products and services.

Generosity isn’t just about reducing the cost for your customers—though occasional discounts and sales are key to any marketing strategy. 

Instead of focusing on discounts, think of ways to make your products and services more valuable. What can you add to your products that make the experience better for your customers? 

Donald Miller cites Chick-Fil-A as a great example of added value with their “Mom’s Valet” service that allows moms to order through the drive-through and then eat inside the restaurant, saving them the hassle of ordering at the counter with small children. 

Think of your customers’ typical pain points. How can you address those needs? Is there an upgrade you can add to your services, or a free, optional accommodation you can offer? 

Consider adding freebies to every order, like an ebook or samples. Brainstorm ways to set your business apart from your competitors by giving your customers the best possible experience. 

Save your customers’ time with clear, concise communication.

Here’s another classic line from Donald Miller: “if you confuse, you lose.” 

When your marketing materials are sloppy, confusing, or contradictory, potential customers will turn to your competitors. 

Your audience doesn’t want to spend their time deciphering your typos or run-on sentences. They don’t want to see an interesting social post with a compelling CTA, only to find that you included the wrong URL. They want to know how your business can solve their problems, and what next steps they ought to take. 

Use simple, direct language that your audience understands. Triple check every communication for grammar and factual accuracy. Read your communications out loud to see if they make sense. Cut out unnecessary fluff.

When you take the time to make your communications clear and accurate, you respect your customers’ time and make it easier for them to engage with your brand.

Share your knowledge.

As a business owner, you are an expert in your field. You know so much about your products, services, and the problems your customers face, and you can share that knowledge with your audience.

Fill your blog, newsletter, podcast, and social media channels with valuable, interesting content for potential customers. When you offer valuable content to your audience, you demonstrate a respect for them and the time they take to engage with your brand. 

Being generous with your knowledge is a great way to generate new leads. Give away ebooks, online courses, and free consultations or trials of your services to get possible leads interested in what you have to offer. As you gain their trust, they’ll be more likely to turn to you for your business. 

If and when those potential customers need professional help, they’ll remember you as the brand who was open-handed with information, not someone who hid all the good stuff behind a paywall. 

Give back to your community.

Find a nonprofit in your community whose work you feel passionate about, and partner with them. 

If you can find a cause that relates to your business, even better! Your customers are already interested in your field, so they’re more likely to get excited about a related cause. For example, a bookstore might donate to a local literacy program, or a pet groomer could donate to the local shelter. 

In addition to the value of your product or service, your customers gain the satisfaction and joy of knowing their money is going to a good cause. 

Plus, your donation will create positive, tangible changes in your community, and that’s always a good thing.


One of the keys to brand generosity is to communicate clearly and accurately with your audience—and you don’t have to do it alone! Schedule a call, and we’ll talk about how our team of marketing experts can tell your brand’s story in a way that your audience understands.