Human communication – it’s 10% what you say, and 90% how you say it. When you think about it from this perspective, it makes 100% sense that web video is the essential tool for businesses to connect with potential customers. There are loads of statistics to back it up:

– Forbes revealed that when given the option, web users choose the video option over all other options combined when visiting a website for the first time.

– Video is 50 times more likely to appear in Google search results, and YouTube is the 2nd most popular search engine in the world (second only to Google)!

– The Online Publishers Association says that 80% of users remember a video ad they watched in the past month, and 46% of them took action based on what they saw.

– Industry reports suggest the response rates for video promotions are 6 times greater than those for printed pieces.

– The Wharton School of Business of the University of Pennsylvania found that consumers were 72% more likely to purchase a product or service when video was used in marketing.

What all of these facts are pointing to is the human nature in all of us – we are hardwired to exchange content with one another when we are face-to-face. Web video combines the best of the 21st century with this truth of ages past. Video is powerful!

Web video allows you to communicate quickly and effectively over the internet with your customers, without losing the “way you say it.” Facial expression and tone of voice communicate emotion, excitement and sincerity. Moving images paired with the right music grab the intention and inspire a response. Stories with meaning create an interpersonal connection with a customer that has never walked through your door. Video shows the action of what is happening at your company or with your product. Ultimately it is impressive and professional – it demonstrates that you are going somewhere!

The best part is – video is cost-effective! There is no other marketing option that has a positive investment to impact ratio. It doesn’t take a movie crew, production team and paid actors – you already have everything you need to make a great video. We subscribe to a "document don't create" philosophy in most cases – you talk about the knowledge you have to share, we document and make it look awesome! One day of production on location can produce enough footage for multiple videos, which can then be shortened and multiplied even more for use on social media platforms! Want to learn more about video for social media? Stay tuned and keep an eye out for the New Orleans Video Marketing Academy!!

We recently put together a video for HH Architects out of Dallas, TX that we consider really powerful. The story of their company is told through the eyes of their clients – the people who most closely resemble who HH is targeting through their marketing – their NEXT client! We focused on the emotional experience, not the buildings themselves. We let the clients speak to the strengths of HH, building more rapport than HH could establish talking about themselves. The result was a moving mix of testimonials, motion graphics, images, and b-roll that leads the viewer to do one thing – call HH Architects! Check it out below!