There are many reasons why Instagram has become such a powerful tool for marketing. A few are:

1) It’s simple

2) It’s efficient

3) It offers tools to connect people from all around the world.

While Instagram is great for getting possible global attention, it also serves as a platform for local businesses to connect and interact with their community. In the United States, Instagram has even surpassed Twitter in its amount of user activity. This is important because businesses have been using Twitter to bait people’s interests in their company since it gained some momentum. In this article, we have listed 6 ways for you to get the best out of insta-marketing for your local business.

1) Where are you located?

All of those uploads are great, but where are you? It’s best to tell your Instagram visitors where you are located in your bio so they don’t have to keep scrolling to find hashtags that tell them.

2) Show your city some love

One of the keys to success for a local business is to have some sense of community. You should consider your location and what makes your ar-ea unique.

For instance, a business owner in New Orleans uploaded a picture of a Christmas Eve float in a popular parade. Showing love to your city could merge a connection to people who also love your city and add to the overall sense of community.

3) What do you like about your business?

Often times, when we enjoy or feel excited about something we are do-ing, it is so much easier to write about or promote. People want to know what you like about your business.

How many times have you, or someone you were with, asked a waiter what their favorite thing on the menu is?

Chances are, if you like something, they will too!

Post media about what makes your work enjoyable.

4) What is Trending?

Think of ways you can incorporate buzzing hashtags into your posts. What is relevant and how does it affect your business?

At the time #NationalPumpkinDay was trending on Instagram. Starbucks took that trend, and applied it to their company in this fun post.

5) Ask your audience

Post media showing what you like, and in your caption, ask your audi-ence what they like! This is a good way to gain feedback or prompt good reviews on your Instagram posts.

6) Support and build insta-relationships with other local businesses

Running a business is more or less a game. Who are the other players? The more great players you have on your team, the better your chances are for success.

In the end, you have to give genuine support to gain genuine support.

Here’s an example:
The owner of a local pizza joint visits a neighboring Ice Cream shop and uploads an image of their treat with the caption: Love thy Neighbor. #businessname #yummy

Follow and engage with the other players. If the favor is never returned, at least you’ve added to your good business Karma!

One thing

At, we specialize in helping you put your best foot forward in your marketing. Instagram can be a wonderful tool to promote your local business and get the right attention! These 6 tips will help you maximize your insta-experience and create your online community.