I'm so excited that our first e-newsletter is out! It's been a long time coming and we know that this will be the first of many resources that will inspire you, and give you a picture of who we are and what we do! My goal in business, and really in life, is to add value. Whether you're a client, a friend, or a family member, I want to be an asset to you, to your business, to your life.
But every asset has a clear metric. It bears fruit. Even Jesus recognized this principle, and said "By their fruit you will recognize them." (Matthew 7:16). The LetsDevelop.TV team is all about this powerful truth, and we strive with every fiber of our creative beings to be the fruitful asset that everyone needs in their life.

That being said, I want to take a moment to recognize Mark Vinson, the fruitful asset without which our brand new site, LetsDevelop.TV would be nothing more than the fanciful imaginings of an inspired storyteller, and really my whole team, that daily reminds me that a group of people focused on adding value is a powerful tool in the arsenal of any business person!

So, here's to Things to Come, and to a Life of Learning, and more than anything, to fruitful relationships with you, our clients and friends!